The Best of Second Life™

Where will you teleport to today?

Kleio Island – Loads of fun!

I teleported into Kleio Island when I was looking for a haunted house. And indeed I found a spooky house with a difference. It was an amusement park ride.

However, what I didn’t bargain for was stumbling across an entire sim of…well… fun!

The bulk of the island is an amusement park with some incredibly well built rides. The rides appear to be created by Atom Burma for the most part, whose great attractions I have seen in a number of places, actually.

The land and amusement park itself is owned by the Eudor Group, whose owners are Dolcebella Zabletta, Sophronia Sperber, Renfew Sperber, msw Tomorrow and MiakodaAki Despres (founder).

In terms of an amusement park, there is an incredible amount of variety from bumper cars, to a carousel and swinging ship amongst many others!

There’s also a mini golf course and light house, which I found after some hunting around!

There are other attractions too, including a real ‘fairground’ style little wagon with trivia for prizes. This is a nifty idea! We all like to exercise our general knowledge at times, right?

Once I had finished looking around and pretending I was 7 again, I went and took myself for a little ride on the Spooky House!

This is an incredibly well designed ride. It fixes the camera to view straight ahead as if on an actual ghost train and the effects are awesome!

By the side of the Spook House is a little spooky outdoor setup.

Ok, ok, so spooky setups are nothing new around Halloween, but this is a great place to hang out. The thing I like the most about this entire sim is the way in which nobody is trying to sell anything to you! You know what it is like when you go to some of the more known attractions in game and on every corner is a big board trying to persuade you to buy something. It isn’t like that here! It really gives you the impression that it was set up purely to enable people to have fun, rather than for any commercial purposes or ulterior motives. There are donation boxes around, which I believe is the best way to go for a sim like this. It has to be paid for afterall and a full prim sim certainly isn’t cheap! Some of the attractions require a few lindens or so, but generally speaking this is a free for all! The paid attractions, such as the Skeeball game, do offer you the chance to win a prize too. And… most importantly, there’s cotton candy!

I could sit here and list off attractions all day, but you know how it is with something like this! It has to be seen to be fully enjoyed! Take your friends there and act like a bunch of kids again! You will find this great little island here!

October 24, 2008 Posted by | Miscellaneous | , , , | Leave a comment